Starting with Version 4.2 Alkemi can also be run from the Command Prompt in Windows.
To see command line help, type his at the commmand prompt:

Alkemi -HELP

Here's an example:

Alkemi stext="hey, let’s meet at that restaurant at noon." ktext="this is my key" o=hey.hxa

This instructs Alkemi to use the sourcetext and the keytext to encrypt (alkemize) the sourcetext data and save it to the file hey.hxa.

Of course your friend will need to have the same key to decrypt it once you have sent it to her.

The "hxa" filetype is not necessary. I use it to alert me to what files are outputs of Alkemi but any legal file name is ok.

Alkemi stext="hey, let's meet at that restaurant at noon." kfile=mykey output=hey.hxa

This instructs Alkemi to encrypt the sourcetext using the data in the key file mykey and write the output to hey.hxa.

Note: The size of the key is limited to 32,765 bytes.

Here's another example:

Alkemi sourcefile=mydata.exe keyfile=mykey output=mydata.hxa

This instructs Alkemi to encrypt the executable file mydata.exe using the key in the file mykey and writing the output to the file mydata.hxa.

This version of Alkemi, when using the command line, can encrypt (alkemize) any type of file, including executables. When using Alkemi in the graphic form, you are limited to data which can be displayed in a text box.

Note: There is only one version of Alkemi. It runs BOTH on the command line and also as a GUI.

Command-line Alkemi ALWAYS writes its data to a file. The Graphical User version of Alkemi writes data to the text boxes but that is only because it is limited to printable data (text data).

Command-line Alkemi can encrypt data from ANY source and of course in any language.
When Alkemi encrypts or decrypts it posts the result to the clipboard, assuming the clipboard can accept that kind of data.

When you decrypt an executable, the data will NOT be written to the clipboard because the clipboard cannot accept such binary data.
Direction You can specify the DIRECTION (or D) on the command line, like "direction=encrypt" or "direction=decrypt" or "d=encrypt" or "d=decrypt".

If no direction is specified, Alkemi assumes you are encrypting.

Email You can also supply a list of email addresses to Alkemi like this:
      email="address1@someemail.com, address2@someemail.com"

In other words, the email addresses must be enclosed in quotes (like above) and be separated by commas.

If you do supply email addresses, Alkemi will try to email those addresses with the data from the clipboard, if that's possible.

If you only care about the email or otherwise sending the encrypted (or decrypted) data, then once it is sent you can delete the output file.

For instance:

alkemi sourcetext="Hey bill, let's meet at that place again" keytext="our secret key" email="bill@billsemail.com" output=somefile.hxa

This will encrypt our sourcetext and try send it to Bill at his email address.

The parameters for command-line Alkemi are:

sourcefile or sourcetext

output or o. For example: "o=file.txt"or "output=file.txt"

direction or d For example: "direction=decrypt" or "d=decrypt"

keyfile or keytext


Alkemi REQUIRES a source (file or text), a key (file or text) and an output file.
